Certain Sam seems to have little of the openness of Doubting Thomas. Even St Thomas was open to new information, to having his doubts allayed by the fleshy reality of the risen Christ’s wounds. Harris seems to have become the very thing he hates: someone whose beliefs are immune to newfound truths. Even if the laptop contained truths about ‘the scope of Joe Biden’s corruption’, still he would not have altered his belief – in this case his belief that Trump had to be toppled to save American democracy.
‘There’s nothing’ Hunter could have done that would have changed his mind about using any means necessary to remove Trump from power, he insists. ‘I don’t care what’s in Hunter Biden’s laptop’, he tells Triggernometry. No disclosure, no revelation, no exposed truth from Hunter’s laptop would have been sufficient to shake him from his doctrinaire conviction that suppressing the laptop story was justifiable, he says. Harris even seems to have abandoned his old love of proof. How he has shifted! Now he’s celebrating the top-down destruction of inquiry, the billionaire class’s prevention of ‘true dialogue’ about Hunter Biden’s laptop, in order to protect what amounts to a dogmatic belief: namely, that Trump is the devil of the democratic era.
Such ‘inquiry’ is ‘the very antithesis of dogmatism’, he said. ‘True dialogue requires a willingness to have one’s beliefs about reality modified through conversation’, said Harris a few years ago. And yet here he is, Mr New Atheist, Mr Rational Inquiry, being inimical to the norms of civil discourse. Harris has slammed religion on the basis that it is ‘ inimical to the norms of civil discourse’.
So sometimes the dogmatic elimination of free inquiry is okay. Why? Because Trump is ‘an existential threat to our democracy’, he says, and everything had to be done to kick him out of the White House. And it was, he says (‘absolutely it was’), but ‘I think it was warranted’. On Big Tech’s sinister shutdown of the New York Post’s story about the laptop in October 2020 – when social-media users were prevented from sharing the Post’s piece and the Post itself was locked out of its Twitter account – Harris acknowledges that many view this as a ‘left-wing conspiracy to deny the presidency to Donald Trump’. He told a startled-looking Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster that the media elite’s suppression of the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop was justified because everything had to be done to keep Trump from winning a second term. Harris has caused a stir with comments he made to spiked’s friends over at the Triggernometry podcast.